Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning)

Vess How to Win our Loved Ones to the Lord (Soulwinning) by Nazarene author Arthur Vess explores the topic of evangelizing our loved ones, focusing on breaking the repetition of unsaved people having unsaved children.

Thompson – Nature, the Mirror of Grace (study of 7 Parables)

In this shorter work (7 Chapters) on parables by Robert Ellis Thompson (Presbyterian), he takes a more non-standard approach to the parables. His chapters reflect this: 1. Light, 2. Life, 3. Sheep, 4. Food, 5. Touch, 6. Sowing and Reaping, 7. Upward. Although his presentation is a little out of the ordinary, none-the-less his presentation is interesting.

Alexander-Outlines Moral Science

Archibald Alexander’s Outlines of Moral Science is a work about morality, and studies in virtue. Man, as a Creation of God, has a moral obligation to respond to God’s moral obligations upon man.

Lehman – The Man in Black

The Man in Black is a tongue in cheek work from time past in which Lehman satirizes how the world has “made the Devil a Gentleman” (and his son a man in Black, like a man of respect). While this is more like a work of fiction or something like Pilgrims Progress, it does have some interesting insights of compromise in 1913.