Bellett Strength from God

Bellett, J.G. – Strength from God

In this devotional work Strength from God, Bellett looks at various situations in the history of Israel, from their Captivity and the humbling effect that had on Israel to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple.  He examines the pride and fall, and restoration of Israel from a moral standpoint.

In this devotional work Strength from God, Bellett looks at various situations in the history of Israel, from their Captivity and the humbling effect that had on Israel to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple.  He examines the pride and fall, and restoration of Israel from a moral standpoint.

Strength from God

Strength From God: Meditations for Our Time From Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther
Articles by John Gifford Bellett

Contents of Strength from God

1. Judah’s Captivity in Babylon
2. Captives Returned to Jerusalem, The
3. Effect of the Humbling, The
4. Strength and Separation
5. Builders of the Wall, The
6. Obedient Listening
7. Effect of Obedience, The
8. Dispersed Among the Gentiles, The
9. Pride and Moral Excellence
10. Soul Exercise
11. Sudden Triumph
12. Joy and Coming Blessing
13. Conclusion


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In this class, Using Two Different Versions in Verse Ref Tooltip, we walk you through how to put some extra power in the tooltip verse pop-up, showing a particular Bible version (English), or pass the mouse over the reference with the Alt or Control key for seeing other versions, such as Greek, Hebrew, another English version, extra. Super powerful, super easy.