Barclay Catechism and Confession of Faith

Barclay – Catechism and Confession of Faith

This is a Catechism and Confession of faith in 18 chapters. The format is question and answers. Robert Barclay was a Quaker

Catechism and Confession of Faith

Catechism and Confession of Faith
By Robert Barclay

This is a Catechism and Confession of faith in 18 chapters. The format is question and answers. Robert Barclay was a Quaker.

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THE CONTENTS of Catechism and Confession of Faith

Chap. 1. Of God, and the true and saving Knowledge of him.
Chap. 2. Of the Rule and Guide of Christians, and of the Scriptures.
Chap. 3. Of Jesus Christ’s being manifest in the Flesh, the Use and End of it.
Chap. 4. Of the New Birth, the Inward Appearance of Christ in Spirit, and the Unity of the Saints with him.
Chap. 5. Concerning the Light wherewith Jesus Christ hath enlightned every Man; the Universality and Sufficiency of God’s Grace to all the World made manifest therein.
Chap. 6. Concerning Faith, Justification, and Works.
Chap. 7. Concerning Perfection, or Freedom from Sin.
Chap. 8. Concerning Perseverance and falling from Grace.
Chap. 9. Concerning the Church and Ministry.
Chap. 10. Concerning Worship.
Chap. 11. Concerning Baptism, and Bread and Wine.
Chap. 12. Concerning the Life of a Christian in general, what, and how it ought to be in this World.
Chap. 13. Concerning Magistracy.
Chap. 14. Concerning the Resurrection.
Chap. 15. A short introduction to the Confession of Faith.
Chap. 16. A Confession of Faith, containing Twenty Three Articles.
Article. 1. Concerning God, and the True and Saving Knowledge of him.
Art. 2. Concerning the Guide and Rule of Christians.
Art. 3. Concerning the Scriptures.
Art. 4. Concerning the Divinity of Christ, and his being from the Beginning.
Art. 5. Concerning his Appearance in the Flesh.
Art. 6. Concerning the End and Use of that Appearance.
Art. 7. Concerning the Inward Manifestation of Christ.
Art. 8. Concerning the New Birth.
Art. 9. Concerning the Unity of the Saints with Christ.
Art. 10. Concerning the Universal Love and Grace of God to all.
Art. 11. Concerning the Light that enlightneth every Man.
Art. 12. Concerning Faith and Justification.
Art 13. Concerning good Works.
Art. 14. Concerning Perfection.
Art. 15. Concerning Perseverance, and Falling from Grace.
Art. 16. Concerning the Church and Ministry.
Art. 17. Concerning Worship.
Art. 18. Concerning Baptism.
Art. 19. Concerning Eating of Bread and Wine, Washing of one another’s Feet, abstaining from things strangled, and from Blood; and Anointing of the Sick with Oyle.
Art. 20. Concerning the Liberty of such Christians as are come to know the Substance, as to the using or not using of these Rites, and of the observation of Days.
Art. 21. Concerning Swearing, Fighting and Persecution.
Art. 22. Concerning Magistracy.
Art. 23. Concerning the Resurrection.
Chap. 17. A short Expostulation with, and Appeal to all other Professors.
Chap. 18. A short Examination of some of the Scripture-Proofs, alleged by the Divines at Westminster, to prove divers Articles in their Confession of Faith and Catechism.


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