Vess – Bible Tongues Doctrine

A work on Bible Tongues, or speaking in tongues, or tongues speaking.

Vess – Bible Tongues Doctrine

A work on Bible Tongues, or speaking in tongues, or tongues speaking.


1. Some General Information by Rev. H. Crockett
2. The Day of Pentecost
3. Pentecost Repeated
4. The Confused Corinthian Church
5. Paul’s Instruction to the Corinthians On Spiritual Gifts – (1Corinthians Chapter 12)
6. The More Excellent Way
7. Brief Review of Chapter Fourteen
8. Tongues as an Evidence
9. No Third Work of Grace
10. Why Their Increased Numbers?


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Works on Speaking in Tongues

Bible Study on the biblical concept of Pastor
is a short Bible Study on the biblical concept of Pastor. I look at the concept in the Bible in general terms and make observations.
Topics: Introduction | Where does "pastor" occur in the Bible | Why is there so much polemic about it? | Why is there so much polemic about it? | But, where is the problem really and truthfully?
Excerpt: Let's make the observation that the concept of a "pastor" is a verb. It means a person who takes spiritual care of people as a shepherd takes physical care of sheep. The word nor concept of "cowboy" ever occurs in the Bible. The difference of concepts is great between the two. See ch51 Cowboys versus Shepherds. Part of the problem here is that bad pastors are usually great, dynamic public relations people who know how to emotionally work people to get what they want. Excellent pastors follow Jesus and are meek and humble of spirit, so they don't toot their own horns.
Read the Article: Bible Study on the biblical concept of Pastor.