Anderson, Sir Robert – Redemption Truths

In Redemption Truths, Robert Anderson explains several very important points in salvation, how can a sinner be saved, Passover, Fullness of our Redemption, God, recognizing our need, receiving God’s provision, justification and sanctification, hope, dispensationalism, Gospel, Sonship, new birth, judgment, and apostasy.

Edersheim, Alfred – OT Temple – Its Ministry and Service

Alfred Edersheim was a Christian of Jewish descendent. His work reflects a profound understanding of Jewish culture. This particular work deals with the inner workings of the Temple, both the physical structure, its ministers and ministry (service). An excellent resource book for any student of Scripture.

Aycock – Crimson Stream

Crimson Stream is written by Nazarene author Jarrette Aycock, and it is a compilation of 15 chapters of thoughts and sermons on the blood of Christ, and the atonement.