Anderson, Sir Robert – Redemption Truths

In Redemption Truths, Robert Anderson explains several very important points in salvation, how can a sinner be saved, Passover, Fullness of our Redemption, God, recognizing our need, receiving God’s provision, justification and sanctification, hope, dispensationalism, Gospel, Sonship, new birth, judgment, and apostasy.

Luginbill – Christology Study of Christ

This is a Study of Christ, Christology, by Luginbill. He covers the following topics: I. The Person of Jesus Christ. 1. Jesus Christ is truly Divine. 2. Jesus Christ is truly Human. 3. Jesus Christ is truly Unique. 4. The Names of Jesus Christ Reflect His Perfect Person and His Perfect Work. 5. The Life of Jesus Christ. II. The Saving Work of Jesus Christ. 1. Our Need for a Savior. 2. The Substitutionary Death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. 3. Unlimited Atonement. 4. The Blood of Christ. 5. The Spiritual Death of Christ. 6. Propitiation. 7. Redemption. 8. Justification. 9. Reconciliation. 10. Summary of the Work of Christ in Effecting Salvation

Cambron – Bible Doctrines that Matter

Mark Cambron’s Bible Doctrines work is an extensive doctrines book used by Florida Bible College. Cambron’s work covers Angels, Man, Holy Spirit, Christ, Salvation, Sin, Prayer, and the Doctrine of God.

Glenn – A Call to Complete Commitment to Christ

A Call to Complete Commitment to Christ is a 10 chapter work by Victor Glenn on your commitment to Christ. He examines God’s call in your life. The objective is total commitment on your part to Christ, and your appreciation for the great sacrifice Christ made for you.