This page presents Christian works on man, both his creation, nature, and separate issues related to man, or the human race.
Please also see Harmatiology-Sin, Salvation, Christian Life, etc.
- bradford-john-the-flesh-&-the-spirit.gbk.twm (598 downloads )
- doughty-the-call-of-the-world.gbk.twm (551 downloads )
- drummond-lowell-lectures-on-ascent-of-man.gbk.twm (531 downloads )
- drummond-the-ascent-of-man.gbk.twm (527 downloads )
- edwards-jonathan-freedom-of-the-will.gbk.twm (487 downloads )
- erskine-unbelievers-joy-in-the-word.gbk.twm (8 downloads )
- fortner-biblical-view-of-self.gbk.twm (507 downloads )
- macdonald-g-the-fantastic-imagination.gbk.twm (41 downloads )
- mahan-doctrine-of-the-will.gbk.twm (37 downloads )
- penn-lewis-jessie-soul-and-spirit.gbk.twm (8 downloads )
- phelps-human-nature-in-the-bible.gbk.twm (6 downloads )
- philpot-sacred-humanity.gbk.twm (16 downloads )
- reisinger-god’s-part-and-man’s-part-in-salvation.gbk.twm (2 downloads )