This page presents Christian works in theWord format that are studies of different individuals in the Bible. Note that some of these types of studies might also be under specific commentaries, such as Ruth, Job, etc. In many of the works listed below, the work is a compilation of studies on various different people, sometimes women, and others men, etc.
- adeney-men-of-the-bible-v1_2.gbk.twm (635 downloads )
- adeney-women-of-new-testament-v2_1.gbk.twm (629 downloads )
- andre-george-the-prophet-jeremy.gbk.twm (93 downloads )
- andre-moses-the-man-of-god.gbk.twm (66 downloads )
- Bouter-John-The-Beloved-Disciple.gbk.twm (5 downloads )
- candlish-scripture-characters.gbk.twm (618 downloads )
- coxfa-female-scripture-biographies.gbk.twm (566 downloads )
- deane-daniel-life-and-times.gbk.twm (529 downloads )
- deane-joshua-his-life-and-times.gbk.twm (522 downloads )
- deane-samuel-and-saul.gbk.twm (521 downloads )
- deffinbaugh-esther.gbk.twm (532 downloads )
- deffinbaugh-jonah-the-prodigal-prophet.gbk.twm (553 downloads )
- deffinbaugh-ruth-a-story-of-redemption-a-study-of-the-book-of-ruth.gbk.twm (528 downloads )
- dennett-the-three-marys.gbk.twm (605 downloads )
- dods-marcus-isaac-jacob-and-joseph.gbk.twm (480 downloads )
- domenic-explorations-of-faith-heb11.gbk.twm (538 downloads )
- dorse-persons-of-the-bible.gbk.twm (527 downloads )
- dunkum-life-of-paul.gbk.twm (539 downloads )
- fereday-abimelech.gbk.twm (507 downloads )
- fereday-balaam-his-words-and-ways.gbk.twm (546 downloads )
- fereday-elijah-the-tishbite.gbk.twm (515 downloads )
- fereday-elisha-the-prophet.gbk.twm (468 downloads )
- fereday-jonah.gbk.twm (517 downloads )
- fereday-scripture-character-studies.gbk.twm (492 downloads )
- fereday-simon-peter-apostle-and-living-stone.gbk.twm (515 downloads )
Author Arrangement: Aa-Al | Am-At | Au-Az | Ba-Bn | Bo | Bp-Bz | Ca-Ci I Co-Cz | Da-DI | Dm-Dz | Ea-EI | Em-Ez | Fa-Fz | Ga-GI | Gm-Gz | Ha-Hi | Hm-Hz | II | JJ | KK | LL | Ma-Mi | Mm-Mz | N | O | Pa-PI | Pm-Pz | Q | Ra-RI | Rm-Rz | Sa-SI | Sm-Sz | T | U | V | Wa-WI | Wm-Wz | XYZ | Works with Unknown Authors | Numbers
Topical Arrangement: 10 Commandments, Angels, Anthologies, Anthropology, Antichrist, Apologetics, Baptism, Bibles, Bibliology, Bible Characters, Bible Introduction, Bible Study, Blood, Canon, Christian Biographies, Christian Life, Children, Christology (Atonement, Deity of Christ, Cross, Incarnation), Church, Church History, Commentaries, Creation, Creeds, Cults, Death, Demons, Devotionals, Discipleship, Doctrine, Education, Eschatology (Heaven, Hell, Death, Rapture, Tribulation, Antichrist, Second Coming, Millennium, AfterLife), Evangelism, Family, Fiction, God (Attributes, Trinity), Gospel, Grace, Greek, Harmatiology-Sin, Hebrew, Hell, History, Holy Spirit, Husbands, Hymns, Illustrations, Incarnation, Interpretation, Inspiration, Islam, Israel, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Kingdom, Magazines, Marriage, Ministry, Missions, New Testament Studies, Old Testament Studies, Parables, Poetry, Prayer, Preaching, Prophecy, Redemption, Regeneration, Salvation, Satan, Second Coming, Sermons, Sin, Systematic Theology, Temple-Tabernacle, Theology, Tongues, Wives, Youth.