This page list works in the theWord format that have to deal with the cross as in the Redemption of man. These resources are related to the topic of Atonement, but this page will focus on works that deal with the technical side of the actual execution of God’s plan of redemption with Jesus in his last days and crucifixion.
See also these related resource pages: the Cross this present page (the actual payment paid by Christ), the Blood (what God required for granting pardon), the Atonement (the spiritual principles that demanded Christ’s death), Redemption (Christ’s freeing of sinful man from the power of sin), and Evangelism (which is the passion of a person in communicating salvation to the unsaved).
- adams-thomas-passion-of-christ.gbk.twm (5 downloads )
- adams-thomas-semper-idem(immutable-mercy-of-Christ).gbk.twm (4 downloads )
- augustine-evidence-for-the-resurrection.gbk.twm (7 downloads )
- barclay-jesus-final-week-of-christ-as-passover-lamb.gbk.twm (9 downloads )
- barton-his-last-week.gbk.twm (3 downloads )
- basis-for-affirming-the-resurrection-of-jesus-christ.gbk.twm (3 downloads )
- Bonar The Blood of the Cross (3 downloads )
- Bunyan Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate (5 downloads )
- carey-the-passion-of-christ.gbk.twm (8 downloads )
- chapman-precious-blood-of-christ.gbk.twm (3 downloads )
- charnock-cleansing-virtue-of-christs-blood.gbk.twm (5 downloads )
- deffinbaugh-who-killed-christ.gbk.twm (699 downloads )
- denney-the-death-of-christ.gbk.twm (543 downloads )
- emmerich-anne-catherine-the-dolorous-passion-of-our-lord-jesus-christ.gbk.twm (8 downloads )
- emmerich-dolorous-passion.gbk.twm (3 downloads )
- everard-george-beneath-the-cross.gbk.twm (10 downloads )
- evidence-for-the-resurrection.gbk.twm (8 downloads )
- Gordon-Quiet-Talks-about-Calvary.gbk.twm (2 downloads )
- grime-blood-before-water-and-christ-before-the-church.gbk.twm (4 downloads )
- hession-roy-the-calvary-road.gbk.twm (3 downloads )
- innes-alexander-the-trial-of-christ.gbk.twm (535 downloads )
- jowett-a-passion-for-souls.gbk.twm (3 downloads )
- jowett-school-of-calvary.gbk.twm (2 downloads )
- keathley-miracles-of-calvary.gbk.twm (9 downloads )