Calvin, John – A Treatise on Relics

A Treatise on Relics by John Calvin is an 8 chapter work on issues of relics within the Catholic church, denouncing how they worship them, or worship using them.

Warfield Calvin and Calvinism

This seven chapter work Calvin and Calvinism deals with Calvinism, and looks at Calvinism’s view of Bible doctrines, such as man, the Trinity, God, Creation, John Calvin the Theologian, the Theology of Calvin, etc.

Calvin, John Thirty-Six Sermons of John Calvin

In this work of Thirty-Six Sermons of John Calvin Calvin’s sermons are on the deity of Jesus Christ, nativity, Passion of Christ (8 sermons), resurrection, perverting the Gospel, condemned by the law, ravening wolves,  salvation of all men, call to witness, pure preaching of the Word, etc.