Pope – Compendium of Christian Theology

William Burt Pope’s Compendium of Christian Theology is a work different from other theologies. He is definitely reformed in his view, but his presentation of the doctrines is not “standard” all the way around. For example, the names of the Redeemer, he doesn’t just give us a list of names, but a treatment of the idea in general.

Luginbill – Christology Study of Christ

This is a Study of Christ, Christology, by Luginbill. He covers the following topics: I. The Person of Jesus Christ. 1. Jesus Christ is truly Divine. 2. Jesus Christ is truly Human. 3. Jesus Christ is truly Unique. 4. The Names of Jesus Christ Reflect His Perfect Person and His Perfect Work. 5. The Life of Jesus Christ. II. The Saving Work of Jesus Christ. 1. Our Need for a Savior. 2. The Substitutionary Death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. 3. Unlimited Atonement. 4. The Blood of Christ. 5. The Spiritual Death of Christ. 6. Propitiation. 7. Redemption. 8. Justification. 9. Reconciliation. 10. Summary of the Work of Christ in Effecting Salvation

Boyce – Abstract of Systematic Theology

Abstract of Systematic Theology is a 21 chapter work (short chapters) by Boyce (Baptist) that has a few half dozen questions in each section

Pink, Arthur W. – Gleanings in the Godhead, the Attributes of God

In this 25 chapter work, Pink examines God (Godhead) looking at his solitariness, his knowledge, his foreknowledge, his supremacy, his sovereignty, his immutability, his holiness, his power, his faithfulness, his goodness, his patience, his grace, his mercy, his loving-kindness, the love of God, the wrath of God, the gifts of God, the bounties of God, the guidance of God, the blessings of God, the curses of God, and the decrees of God among others.

Miley Systematic Theology (2 vols)

Miley Systematic Theology covers an introduction to Theology, Theism, Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Eschatology, and appendices on Inspiration, Angels, and the Arminian Treatment of Original Sin.